What are the benefits?
Completing the NorthCoast 99 application costs a one-time fee of $225 and comes with highly valuable benefits, including the chance to brand your organization a great workplace and access to powerful data:
Employee Engagement Report
This valuable publication provides insight into the opinions and level of engagement of your top-performing employees, who each participated in a 53-question survey. More >>
Company Results Report
This complimentary, customized benchmark report is prepared for your organization, allowing you to compare your results with those of the other applicants and 99 winners. More >>
Company Results Consultation
Applicants can also receive an in-depth consultation with the NorthCoast 99 Research Team to discuss in further detail their Company Results Report findings. More >>
Winner Practices Report
This report is a comprehensive summary of best practices, benchmark data, stories, examples, and case studies based on data provided by the NorthCoast 99 winners. More >>
And if your organization is named a NorthCoast 99 winner, we provide even more benefits to leverage and brand your award!